Monday, February 23, 2015

Youth,attitude and Smoking

Nowadays, it is common for us to see youth engaged in smoking. In our society people have been smoking since ages. Past generation smoked Hukka, Tamakhu, Beedi and so on. But this generation smokes cigarette, Cigars, flavored Hukka, etc. People say flavored Hukka is not harmful, but the fact is that 10 puff of Hukka is 6 times more harmful than 1 cigarette.

The literacy rate of Nepalese is increasing. Most of the people know that smoking is injurious to health. But still they love to smoke. I have been thinking about this matter from a long time. Whenever people used to talk about their smoking habit, I used to say ‘: o really?’ This generation thinks if they smoke sometimes it does not matter. Many people do smoking for the ‘show off ‘as well. When I told some of my friends to stop smoking otherwise they would die earlier due to cancer and all, they would say everyone have to die one day and we should have fun when we are alive. But is it only the way to have fun? Aren’t there other ways to have fun?
If I say is it necessary to smoke for having fun then, people may say “You are very conservative”. I want to ask is it really a conservative thought? Knowing the consequences you can’t stop smoking and I am conservative? In the name of having fun, teens start smoking, slowly turning into a chain smoker.

Conversation with one of my friend:

Me: You know smoking is injurious to health right?
ABC(Name changed): Of course!
Me: Then why do you smoke?
ABC: when I smoke I feel relaxed.

Society has observed a lot of changes. But in comparison to men, when women smoke, observation is made in a different way in a society. It is quite difficult for this society to accept girls’ smoking habit than of boys.  Either a boy smokes or a girl, it is harmful to both of them.

But I just want to say that to become modern smoking is not the only way. It is their life to decide what to do and what not to. But still, we youth at least should think once before smoking. It might become our habit. Society seeks some changes. For that we should start from ourselves. So, say no to smoking !

- Manisha Timilsina


  1. (y) for this post
    now i can say with confidence that Hukka is also harmful for health...
    thanks to this post :)

  2. It's really nice and inspiring article
    Well done 😃

  3. It's really nice and inspiring article
    Well done 😃
