Friday, February 13, 2015

Garjan.Org reflection’s on LCEDS draft by GON

First of all, thanks to Government of Nepal (GON) for making ‘Low Carbon Economic Development Strategy (LCEDS)’ paper, public for the first time to enable public consultation on the document. This paper is very utopian rather than realistic, when analyzed on current political chaos. Underlining, Climate Change Policy (NCP), 2011 the notion of Low carbon economic development strategy has been prescribed in NCP without going for public debate on Low Carbon  Economic Development approach Vs Carbon Centric Development approach(CCDA). Since, Nepal carbon emission is just 0.027% in the world, which is almost negligible. How GON can make ensure to public that, Hydro and Renewable energy can lead Nepal to the path of high economic growth rate. The current global trend examines that, huge loss in terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), if undergone for carbon emission reduction and clean energy are relatively expensive.  Most of the global economies rely on carbon emission and deliberatively searching for an alternative.
If there are strong facts that, Nepal will be in ‘win-win’ situation if it adopts a LCEDS, than first of all, we recommend GON to make it public on which basis that, Nepal will gain an enormous economic growth. 

The ambitious LCEDS drafted by Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (MOSTE) to mark the milestone of Nepal’s graduation to developing world from Least Developed Countries by 2022,also has conflict of interest with GON’s National Development Agenda regarding Hydropower development. Secondly, LCEDS paper merely deals with, carbon emission rate that it would undertake, when the paper becomes fully operational.  The plan of generating 4000 and 12000 MW of electricity by 2020 and 2030 respectively do not necessarily clarify whether the proposed plan would be undertaken by funding from donor agencies or Investment companies, and whether Hydro development and LCEDS go parallel. Is this period is excluding the period of Hydro development? What are the GON’s alternatives steps to mark the milestone of 2022? GON undermines ‘Women and LCEDS’ effectively link with each other. Women predominantly are the users of woods, coal, Bio-fuel for cooking and other purposes in rural areas of Nepal.
Our input on LCEDS

a. We recommend GON to go for public debate on LCEDS or CCDA 
b.      For effectively, pressurizing Hydro development, Nepalese Civil Society  Organization(CSO) can form a high level CSO advisory group, for lobbying between GON, Investment Companies and donor agencies, developing policy recommendation,  to GON and entire concerned ministries to acts as a policy recommendatory catalyst for GON’s 2022 vision. 
c.  Prioritizing, ‘Women and LCEDS’ by forming  a high level women dominated constitutional bodies

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