Monday, February 16, 2015

Selected Facebook status from our activist

“COP 21 is icing on the cake after Durban's 2020 vision and world's leaders urging for its significance. But, skeptics is already alarming that, the proposed legally binding climate treaty 2015 will only be a 'mutual documents' rather than a breakthrough. Let us think of any universal bodies that can have an ice break and will have supreme power to enforce climate treaties. The 2 degree pledge is still long to go”.

“Mr.Obama, if anyway veto on Keystone XL does not necessarily back US climate change movement. This scenario may flip when he will leave White House in 2016.The proposed TransCanada project continuously has influence over republican controlled Senate and also has serious linkage over US national interest and oil boom tactics -helpful in countering OPEC oil cartel, which indeed a 'lose-lose' situation for an activist”.

“One of the major breakthroughs in Climate Change deal- The US and China reached a deal to cut carbon emission. The two largest polluters in the world agreed in a climate change issues making one of the greatest climate change bilateral deal ever. The US set a new target to cut emissions by 26 % to 28% by 2025(comparing to 2005 levels) and China however did not set a specific amount but committed to limit it by 2030. For China, emissions limit raised from series of growing pollution in China that is affecting health and lifestyles of billions of Chinese people. This will strongly support Lima and Paris COP conference which is going to be held in future. However, sincerity of the commitment needs to be observed in future from both countries.”

“Men are too weak. Though, they had made so-called social values, yet they didn't realize that those so-called social values can't dictate emotions. And, Women always make them realize how emotion comes before social values by sacrificing their whole life to make men happy. This is a hard hitting reality. #‎empowerwomen

"Sharp fall of oil price from $100 per barrel to $60 per barrel within 3 months surprisingly affected British Petroleum North Sea oil projects and other global projects too. Weaker demands of oil in sluggish economies and growing boom of Alberta-Texas Shale gas in the US contributed sharp decline of oil price of OPEC oil cartel. OPEC-US shale gas price war will be further intense in coming 5-8 years when fracking boom in the US-Canada will fully blossom.”

“Berlin Wall Anniversary (November 9, 1989)- The fall of wall was stepping stone for flourishing democracy and much more inter-connected world. Unification of East & West Germany showed, no one can restrict right to information of people or even can violate their liberties.Let us hope, the world will not be again in similar turmoil”.

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