Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Letter to Mother Earth

Dear MotherEarth,

I am trying very hard to write a letter to you. We Homosapines have deceived you. You left us so astonishing natural environment but we exploited it in an irreversible way. Mom, it is very rigid for you to realize that we partitioned you in the form of unknown ideologies, races, caste, identities, class and so on. This partition has now become inevitable part of our life. Without it, it seems that we cannot live anymore. 
We Homosapines have now become Technosapines trying to tumble your nurture and love through misuse of technology. Mom, we have become so materialistic that, we are competing and collaborating with each other for our own maximum benefit by exploiting your creation. Mom! Now I realized that, we have dug our own holes of destruction.  I know you have become so sad and emotional from our behavior. And, it is understandable, how much pain does mom suffer when her child goes in trouble. 

Well, this year in Paris, I won’t give you promise early but we Homosapines hopefully will have some gifts for you.  We are going to deal with each other, keeping our selfishness aside and drawing a universally and legally binding line in 2015, to protect you and our future kids to come. 

Yours irresponsible son,

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