Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I am proud to say, “I menstruate”

Society has transformed from traditional phase to modern phase. But still there are some norms and values which are followed in this society. People are being educated day by day, but still why can’t they understand that menstruation is not a sin? Every healthy women experience the menstruation.

Then, why in our society we women have to go through a lot of problems? There are lots of restrictions for us during our menstrual cycle. Such as prohibition to worship god, to go to kitchen, to touch the male member of the family, to participate in traditional functions, etc.  I just want to ask why? Is it because of stereotyping? If so, we young generations are well educated, we at least should not follow such belief. But I have seen so many girls hiding about their menstruation cycle.  

There is nothing to feel shy about or to hide about. If girls experience menstruation, it is not their mistake. It is not in their hands to decide about menstruation cycle. It is just a natural process. These restrictions have always demoralized us, made us feel low. Now, it is time for us to open up. Yes, I menstruate.We menstruate. Women menstruate. That’s why, world is running  smoothly.
I am proud to say," I menstruate".
 -Manisha Timilsina

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