Sunday, March 8, 2015

Climate Change and women empowerment

Nepal is an agricultural country. In developing country like Nepal, Climate change directly affects the living condition of people. Drought, excessive rainfall, landslides, floods etc. are some of the examples of natural phenomena caused due to adverse impacts of climate change. 

In the context of Nepal, women empowerment is directly related to climate change. In the patriarchal society like Nepal, men usually work outside the home. Due to unstable political condition of Nepal, the unemployment rate is very high. This has forced men for foreign employment. And, women are compelled to look after their children’s, house and even agricultural field. Thus, agricultural productivity is deteriorating due to adverse effects of climate change. When agricultural productivity degrades, dependent population goes under the vicious cycle of poverty.  In developing country like Nepal, women are responsible for feeding families through production from agricultural and if productivity degrades, it also adversely affects the women empowerment issues because of poverty.  Poverty still makes, marginalized communities, women socio-economically and politically backward. That is why; women and climate change are inter-related.

During the season of rainfall, it might not rain or may get heavy rainfall both causing damage to crops grown in the field. Climate change affects wide range of various development factors.  

It might not be sure that, their husband may send money timely they have to be prepared for such worst time. In contrast, in Nepal now women are front runner of their families. This is indeed good news for women empowerment movement but such progress is limited.

We still follow the ancient techniques of harvesting the crops. Upgrading to newest technology should be made, so as to sustain and commercialize agriculture in Nepal. Mitigation and adaptation mechanism against climate change should be expanded to various districts of Nepal. Right now, mitigation and adaptation process has been limited to few districts. Climate change is the greatest threat of our time. 

-Samaya Lama

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