Thursday, October 1, 2015

Development planning in Nepal

Planning simply means the way of setting goals, strategies, task and schedule to accomplish the goals. Development is related to positive change which ensures the fulfillment of people’s needs.
Nepal is one of the least developed countries and it aims to be in the list of developing countries by the year 2022. Such aims can be fulfilled only when proper planning can be done. Planning is a choice, not a chance. So there should be a proper vision to avoid confusion. Development planning is one of the important aspects of any country. Every nation wants to become more and more advance. That’s why development planning is necessary.

Nepal has altogether 13 development plans (10 five year plans and 3 three year interim plans).
 First five year started from 2013B.S to 2018B.S and 10th five year plan started from 2059B.S to 2064B.S. Five year plan focused on transportation, communication, agricultural sector, industrial sector, tourism industry, social services, employment and poverty reduction. 10th five year plan (2059B.S to 2064B.S) is termed as poverty reduction strategy paper. When all the plans couldn’t work as expected poverty was highlighted and 10th plan is regarded as one of the good plan.

Current plan is 13th plan (2070/71 to 2072/73). Three year interim plan focused on reconstruction, rehabilitation, reconciliation, reintegration, women and dalit, janajati, madhesi, gender equality, good governance, etc.

There is no doubt that plan was good. But also goals couldn’t meet. Why is it so?? It is all because of lack of proper implementation, corruption, lack of accountability, transparency, responsiveness of the government. It is also due to lack of people’s participation, etc. So, good governance also plays vital role for the proper development planning.

Only planning is not enough, otherwise Nepal wouldn’t have been listed in least developed countries. Hence, for the effective results, plans should be efficiently implemented.

-Manisha Timilsina

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