Monday, December 14, 2015

My dream Nepal

-Saurav Raj Pant

The day will come when my Karnaili kids will be equal competitor to Kathmanduites kids. The trans-Nepal highway will cross India and China along Central Asia through Silk Road.

The day will come when my Ivy League graduates will come to Nepal and will start a new Silicon Valley in Nepal.

The country with glorious history of Gurkhas- a great fighter in war and land which was never colonized by any global super powers will be thriving in next 30 years- when our Middle East and US-Europe grown kids will start expanding our diaspora in the field of arts, politics, International Affairs, business and so. Anyway, we are also part of post- 1991 generation.

The day will come when my country will stand as a significant nation to India and China, the two fastest growing economies in the world, where Nepal’s geo-strategic position will be ‘celebrated’ rather to be ‘manipulated’.

The day will come, when my medicinal natural herbs will be exported to Europe and the US, helping to multiply my Gross Domestic Product and in the long run contributing my Gross National Income.

The day will come, when my women will lead my society parallel to my men. My kids will never be malnourished, never will deprive from education and there will be no foot prints of any civil war.

The day will come, when my country will have advanced manufacturing as well as service industries for vigorous economic growth.

The day will come, when my country will offer best education in the country and challenged to contemporary education system where my kids will not be monotonous that, Nepal is a poor and unproductive country. The day will come when my kids will start defending, that we are also one of the pivotal parts of this planet.

The day will come, when Hydro and tourism industries will be booming and Nepal will be considered as always, one of the paradise of this planet.

Several years of political struggle and instability will definitely come to an end, and my leaders will be fully accountable to my citizen.

Since, I am living in a very young aged country and I am hopeful that we will be able to connect these bubbles of dots- Hydro, Outstanding Political leadership, Tourism, Industrialization, Free market economy, Education, Social security, Gender friendly, Casteless society, inclusiveness, and harmony will create a good future pie.

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