Thursday, December 24, 2015

Bird’s eye view of Kathmandu

-Samaya Lama

As I was making my way to Kathmandu from Pokhara, I got stuck in check post of Nagdhunga from where I could see whole Kathmandu from the bird’s eye view. I could see our capital city from the height. What I saw it was not the same Kathmandu that I used to hear about. All I could see was the jungle of concrete. As, I entered inside the valley I couldn’t smell any fresh air. All I could smell was the smokes produced by the vehicles and factories. What I expected was slowly fading away and was only in my imagination. I lost my smile and started to think seriously about the pollution that was everywhere in Kathmandu.

I could barely see any trees on the side of the roads. Only few people have planted trees in their home. As it holds the title of capital city all I could see was dust and dirt everywhere. Waste management was not good nor managed properly. People from all over 75 districts lives here and population has grown. As population grows, it is obvious that pollution will grow.

If we talk about the policy of GON, it has planned to make Nepal developing country from least developed countries within 2025. It says that, Nepal government will take action to focus more about renewable energy. Countries like Nepal are very suitable and appropriate for renewable energy development. Nepal’s policy says that it will be giving more focus on renewable energy. We won’t have to face any energy crisis if such policies are implemented.

We can stop using non-renewable energies like coal, petrol and diesels which produce CO2, Nitrogen and GHGs. Pollution can be controlled and also we can preserve our nature and it will help us back with fresh air and greenery. We have to be capable of mitigating and adapting the consequences of climate change. Nepal has got more chances on hydropower. Nepal has capacity of producing electricity up to 64000 MW but till now we have been capable of producing only 750 MW. As the demand of electricity is 14000 MW. If we give our prior focus on renewable and alternative energy it will not only be helpful for us but it will also be nature friendly.

As Nepal holds the great capacity of generating alternative and renewable energy we still depend on India for electricity. Being a capital city it should be the idol for all Nepal on in terms of clean and green environment. Tourism is also one of the major factors that support the livelihood of people. Tourists first land in Kathmandu and make their way forward to other destination. What will be the impact on their mind if they see such a fuss and dirty environment? All we want is to take them good and sweet memories back their home not the dirty and untidy image of Kathmandu.

Nepal is not active in producing GHGs like other developed countries. Nepal produces only 0.14 metric tons of GHG which is negligible. We have more chances of making Nepal into Green zone or Green country. If we give priority to mitigation and adaptation program we can control the pollution. So, it has not been late to take some action to make our country pollution free and nature friendly.

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