Thursday, December 24, 2015

Save me ! - The Suppressed Voice (Fictional Article)

-Samaya Lama

‘Hey! Look over there I think this is fine.’ A man was pointing towards me and talking to his friend. His friend smiled and came near by me and started tickling my stomach. As I was watching them in despair what those guys were trying to do. They put a cross mark on me and was looking greedily towards my whole clan and was talking loud and saying these all are ok we are going to make a lot of money from these old logs. I was pretty confused what they were going to do with us. As they all completed putting mark on our body their back up arrived carrying Axe’s, Chainsaw and a big vehicle.

As I was nervous and started panicking, they came by and started slashing my body with axe. I was warning all my family members to run away but we forgot that we are trees and we can’t run away like other living beings. I was hurting inside and was begging them for mercy but those creatures were so busy slashing by body they didn’t heard a sound that I made. As my neighbor who made their house in my body started chirping in agony and was too begging for mercy. She recently hatched her young ones and they couldn’t even fly. As I saw them slashing me, my family I could do nothing.

I started thinking about what we deed for them. We gave them fresh air, food, shelter and saved them from our rival enemy like landslides and floods. But as they used to say human beings never get satisfaction no matter how much they have. Carrying tears in their eyes my entire neighbor's started running away in panic. I was watching my whole clan getting slashed by Axe and chainsaw’s. My little boy who was just 8 years old got banged down. I was desperately watching him die in pain. Slowly my mom, dad, family and my whole clan got knocked down. All I could do now was watch myself being dropped down. As they were hitting me they were saying this one is hard to cut down. I didn’t lose my hope of living but finally they called their whole force and sliced me down into pieces.

From above, we all were watching them having a party for destroying us and were happy so that they can earn a lot of money so that they could be together with their family. I don’t know how they can be so happy and stay in peace by destroying me and my family. These puny creatures do well know that what the consequences of destroying me are. As I won’t be there anymore global warming will increase making this whole planet hot like lava. As we won’t be there for them, landslide and flood is going to run wild like a barbarian making them homeless and turning their houses into dust. Antarctica will cry for us and will increase the sea level drowning all lands in pain and anger. If we don’t exist human will be punished by our mother nature. She won’t stay quiet for long I know she will take some major steps to punish these ruthless and heartless creature who just only thinks for them. 

Humans they know well that they can’t live without us. How can they secure the future of their child as they are going to face heavy drought, global warming, and Air pollution? We never complained them for polluting air and water. They never understand that we used to clean air for them so that they could breathe fresh air and drink pure water. They only not destroyed us but they destroyed whole natural eco-system making millions of living beings homeless and left to die on their own without food and shelter. As our soul was crying watching the brutal activities done by humans we pray for them with Mother Nature to enlighten them with the knowledge about us and our importance. All we wish from them is to take care of us and in return we will take care of them. We know only few can hear our desperate and painful voice I hope someday they will understand what does it means to lose their family, home and friends.  

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