Wednesday, August 15, 2018

‘सिन्दुर–टीका–पोते नलगाउने मोर्डन बुहारी’।

–शौरभ राज पन्त

अनुपमा दि, हैन भाउजु के भा’को बिहे गरेको ५ महिना पनि भा’छैन, सिन्दुर, टीका, पोते केही लगाएको देखिदैन त ! खै, त्यही भन्या, आजकाल त के हो के हो । मैले २ वर्षसम्म सिन्दुर, टीका, पोते लगाउन छोडिन । मोर्डन बुहारी काम नलाग्ने रहेछ है दि । खै आकांक्षा, हाम्रो अनुज यहीँ केटीमा त्यतिबेला मरिहत्ते गर्यो । बाबाले त विवाह नगर भनेको हो नि । के सुन्याहो र अनुले । मायामा पागल झै भाको थियो । साँच्चि अनुपमा दि,  अनु दा (अनुज) यो भाउजुलाई त्यही सिकागोमा पढ्दा भेटेको होइन र ? खै मैले पनि त्यहि सुनेको हो । अनुको त घाँटी बसिरहन्छ त, घाँटी बसेर टन्सिल नै भाको थियो रे त्यही बेला ड्ररमिटरी मा आएर (युनर्भसिटी अफ सिकागो ) मा केयर गरेकी थिई रे । त्सपछि लभ परेको रे भनेर मा ले भन्नु भा’को थियो । तँ र मलाई पनि त अनुले बोलाएको थियो नि घुम्न , सिकागोमा हैन । त्यति बेला मैले देख्दा त राम्रै बानी ब्यहोरा जस्तो लागेको थियो । अनुले हामी आउने भने पछि एक महिनाको लागि साथिको एपार्टमेन्ट मिलाएको थियो । त्यति बेला हामीले यो संग बसेर खसीको मासुको बार.बी. क्यु गरेको होइन र ? त्यति बेला मलाई दिज्यु भनेर कति मान्थि । साच्चै दि, त्यो बेला भाउजुले नाक छेडेको थिएन हो ? कहाँ छेड्नुनी विवाह गर्ने बेलामा त्यही डिल्लीबजारको बाडाको पसलमा गएर छेडेको होइन त ? ए हो त नी ।

अनुपमा दि, हैन हजुरलाई पनि आजकाल दर्शन गर्न छोडिसकेको हो र भाउजुले ? खै, विवाह गर्दा सुरुको दिनमा त दिज्यु दर्शन भन्थि आजकाल त भन्ने चलन हराएको छ क्यार । हिजो म बिहाननै ट्याक्सीबाट ओर्लदा झयालबाट मलाई हेरेर मुसुक्क हाँसेकी थिई । गेट खोलेर भित्र पस्दा, अनु गमलाको फुलमा पानि हाल्दै थियो । ए ! अनुपे आइस भन्यो । अंगाले मार्यो अनि मेरो सामान बोकेर भित्र लग्यो । कोठामा छिर्दा, म्याक्सी लगाएर बसेकी रहेछ । हतनपत भित्र गई अनि कुर्ता लगाएर आई । म सोफामा बसिरहेको थिए । के छ दिज्यु मात्र भनि । दर्शन गर्ने चलन त हराए छ क्यार । त्यही भन्या दि, मलाई पनि पहिला पहिला त, भन्सामा गयो भने मैंया काम नगरिसो । म आफै गर्छु भन्थि । अगि विहानको कुरा हो । म तरकारी ओइरेर पूजा कोठा जान्छु , मैंया हजुर भाडा माझिसो है भनेर त मुखखै फोरेर भनि भन्या । हो है । अनुलाई पुरै आफ्नो बसमा घुमाई सकि भन्या । अगि दिउँसो मा ले कौसीमा मुलाको अचार खाँद्दा भन्नु भा, बुहारी भनेको त केही कुरा आजकाल अनुले काट्दै न रे । पुरै गोबर गणेश बनाईसकि छ रे । हो है दि, पहिला त हामीलाई कति मतलव गथ्र्यो है । तँ लाई थहाँ छ आकांक्षा, अनु एकचोटी फ्रान्स गएको थियो नि त्यहि एन.जि.ओ को काममा , त्यो बेला फर्केर आउँदा तँलाई डाईओर को लिपिस्टक र मलाई मेस्केरा ल्याईदिएको थियो नि । याद छ ? याद छ नि दि, किन नहुने । त्यो बेलामा त विचरा दाईको के कमाई थियो र अहिले त पिएचडी गरेपछि कमाउ छ नि । यहिले त केही ल्याएर दिदैन । अस्तिमात्र न्यूर्योक २ महिना बसेर आएको हैन दाई केही ल्याईदिएन । थहा छ दि, मैले अगि दिउँसो चिया खाने बेला सोधेको थिए दाईलाई, दा मलाई के ल्याईदियौं त न्यूर्योकबाट भनेर सोध्दा के भन्यो थहा छ ? नानी हेर आजकाल इमिग्रेसनमा त बढी सामान हाल्नै दिदैन । किचकिच गर्छ । केही ल्याउनै पाइएन हेर् नानी भन्यो । मलाई भन्न मन लागि रहेको थियो तर केही भनिन । हेर आकांक्षे , नछुने भएको बेला पनि केही बार दिन रे । अनु संगै सुत्छे रे भनेर मा ले दिउँसो दुखेसो पोख्दै हुनुहुन्थ्यो । है दि, के हो के हो । बुझन सकिन्न । धेरै पढेको भित्राए पछि यस्तै हुन्छ ।

दि, यसपालिको तीजको दर कहाँ खाने हो? आइसक्यो त १ महिना नि छैन । खै म त नेपालमा हुन्न कि क्या हो ? तेरो भिनाजुले जेनेभा तिर जाने घुम्नलाई भन्स्याछ । जेनेभा दि ! भिनाजुको कार्यक्रम हो ? त्यही डब्लु. टि. ओ को कार्यक्रम छ रे । १ महिना बस्न मिल्छ रे । हामी सबै परिवाररै जाने कुरा भा’को छ । मोज छ है दि, भेनालाई ? के मोझ हुनु । यो नयाँ सरकार आएर त सरकारी कर्मचारीलाई सारै गाह्रो गरेको छ । १० बजे भन्दा एक मिनेट ढिलो पुग्यो भने गयल पारिदिन्छ रे । अनि आकांक्षे तँ त आउने हो ला नी हैन ? खै त्यो बेला मेरो महिना पुग्ला जस्तो छ । हेरम के हुन्छ ।

ल आकांक्षे सुत रातिको १२ पनि नाघ्न लागि सक्यो । भोलि चाडै उठ्नु पर्छ बुझ्सि । भोलि तेरो भाउजको हातको चिया त ८ बजे मात्र खान पाइने होला । त्यो भन्दा पहिला हामीले बनाएर खानुपर्छ, बुझिस् । (दुवै जना हाँस्न थाले ) ।
Originally published  in (समाजमा महिला विकासबारे चर्को चर्को नारा लगाए पनि परिवार भित्रैबाट एउटा महिला अर्को महिलाबाट पीडित भएको देखिन्छ । )

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Tour de 2016

-Mr. Saurav Raj Pant, International Relations Resource Associate & Development Consultant
Take your long breath! We are slowing entering into the Cold War Season 2. This time Cold War would be multipolar rather than unipolar. The world probably won’t go under serious hardliner armed conflict in near future but tussle in political & economic ideological will mimicry the similar ‘WWI &WWII’ style. In the Western world, millennia’s will still continue to backpack for South but their established political elite will once again try to look from the window of Brussels & Washington try to fix out the problems of the globe seems irrelevance to the presence of Mr. Putin of Russia & Chinese Premier Mr. Xi. Millennia’s aren’t like Baby boomer generations dedicated to the contribution of the economy of the single country. Rather Millennia’s are interested in working for Gigonomy, does not want Car or apartment but wants to relocate frequently. Dubai & Doha in the Middle East, Mumbai & Delhi in South Asia, Pearl River Delta in China, Greater London & Berlin in Europe, Los Angeles, Chicago, and Dallas, New York City in the US & Toronto in Canada could possibly their favorite cities to relocate and these cities are contributing substantial amount to their economies comparing to other periphery cities of their countries.
According to me, this New Year 2017 will officially mark the entry of the world into Multi-polar and revival of nation states( representing by city) where the relevance of the International Relations will be profound than ever. Solving Climate Crisis, integrating Paris Climate Accord into small to giant countries, setting & working collaboratively to achieve SDGs, Middle East Crisis, Refugee crisis( the list could be longer) need International Relations or Westphalia approach. This is the age of collaboration & competition and if one side goes under turmoil the other side is going to be heavily affected. 
Germany’s AFD (anti-migrant party) grip in regional elections, emergence of Francois Fillon to become France’s center-right presidential candidate in next year’s election, Victor’s Orban’s rise in Hungary as a Prime Minister, Iben Thranholm, female Danish Journalist advocating for masculine power in European society & politics are some of the developments making the 2017 to be more erratic. As an alleged rape against European women, some of the feminist in Europe are arguing that European men have deeply de- masculinized & politics has become more liberals unable to counter the threats that are coming to Europe by foreign men. So, some feminists are lobbying for the revival of masculine power in European politics.
Some people claims this 2016 is a backlash of globalization, hard populism wave around the world, doom of OPEC oil cartel, death of an American democracy after Donald Trump president-elect, failed Columbian referendum, Brexit (list can be more) rather it is the seismic shift of power from North to South, shuffle of power within North, Chinese assertiveness via ‘OBOR’ around the globe, G77’s robust integration to global economy comparing to previous year. Probably I think this year shook the world more than 1989 when Berlin wall fell, in 1914 (when Westphalia World order had broken at the time of World war I), in 1945 (when the World War II ended & envisioned new world order). This is a volatile time for an international organization to show its relevance especially when UN is becoming so limited in recent Aleppo crisis. Today, Syria is deeply divided with many power holders on the ground. Today, there isn’t probably any magic formula to solve Syrian crisis and embolden crisis in Middle-East. Pro-government forces (Syrian Forces, pro-government militias, Hezbollah, Foreign Shia Militias, Iran, Russia), Opposition forces( Fee Syrian Army, Nationalist Jihadis, Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, United States, Turkey, Arab Gulf states) , Islamic State & Kurdish Peoples’ Protection Units have been the major players in the Syrian war. Moreover, in a political sense, Russia & USA vital strategic interest is contributing to pay the heavy cost for civilians of Syrian. The Sykes-Picot Agreement, Pan-Arab nationalism, deeply divided ethnic lines; Oil Cartel had made the Middle East deeply divided. What are the solutions to solve Middle East Crisis? The solutions could be redrawing Middle East map on the basis of ethnic, religious or on Geographical lines (or could be anything). The brainstorming could take long hours. The current world is highly unpredictable and assimilation of conflict into other parts of the world wouldn’t take a year or decades. In recent years, UN is politically locked, resourceful & less effective in addressing the global crisis. The 5 permanent members of the UN are seriously challenged by emerging power in Asia. India, Japan & Germany are increasingly lobbying to get the seat at UNSC. This has made UNSC, a place like ‘house of thrones’ where multiple powers are playing against each other.
The other issues that buzz 2016 were also inequality. US president-elect Donald Trump major logic to increase jobs in the US was cutting major taxation of the multinational companies. When huge taxation is cut off these companies could expand their business for the creation of jobs for young people. Inequality isn’t something that has been brought from Mars or Moon. Rather it is the policy failure of respective governments. Making access to education for everyone could be the starting point for reducing inequality and this could be powerful ‘mantra’ for the country like Nepal where access to education for everyone has been a ‘fairly tale’ for a years (In Nepal, major portions of the national budget get freeze, if we able to save budget from freezing by maximum utilization of it, this is possible).
Taxation has been the bargaining point between Political candidate & high tax payers during the time of the election. The top labor wants to decrease tax as much as possible and deal with the potential political candidate for the vote on the basis of this tax reducing modality. In a long term, this is seriously creating inequality by the process of accumulation of wealth in few handfuls of elites
In such highly unpredictable world, what should be our priority as a Nepali? We hold visa-free access to 40 countries which is mainly in Africa and is on the list of 87 out of 95 countries and our economy by GDP (PPP) is in 93 out of 186 countries (China is in the first place & India is in third place). How could we able to improve the Nepal position in these global rankings? I think the hollow nationalism that Nepal is currently witnessing which sends 1500 youth to gulf daily; smartly overlook the series of sexual violation that is taking place against our migrant women workers in abroad and remittance lover’s politicians won’t solve these crises. So, what will be the alternative path for Nepal’s radical transformation? It’s time to act. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

FDI inflows in Nepal

At the loop of mixed economic policies

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Nepal has always been a buzzword for Nepal’s economic revolution; its history goes back to 1980’s, (from the 6th Development Plan: 1980/81-85) when a decade long financial inflows was recorded (USD 5.78 millions, according to the Industrial Statistics FY 2067-68). This was the time Nepalese economy started harmonizing with other global economies and one of the fertile times for around the globe regarding policy development of FDI.  In 1990’s, after the arrival of multi-party democracy, government undergone reform regarding FDI and introduced ‘One Door Policy’. The policy simply designated the Department of Industry (DOI) as the sole government office to handle foreign investment related works in Nepal. In the year 1992, DOI drafted and launched the Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act 1992, Industrial Enterprise Act 1992, Company act 2006 and Investment Board Act 2011.

Nepal, sandwiched between world’s two fastest growing economies, has a huge potential for business growth. The India and China could be the best market for manufactured and service industry in Nepal. Nepal has made some fair development in building bilateral trade deals to make Nepali market into the global competitive market. Under the treaty signed in 2009 between India and Nepal, India provides duty free access to Nepalese manufactured articles excluding cigarettes, alcohol and cosmetics. Nepal has already signed BIPPA (Bilateral Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement) with seven countries (India, France, Germany, Britain, Mauritius, Qatar, and Finland). In 2016, US provided Nepal with special trade preferences by providing duty free access up to 66 types of garment items (which also includes certain carpets, headgears, shawls, scarves and travel goods).
Nepal has been in vital need of foreign investment despite the fact that, since 1960’s Nepal has been fertile ground for Official Development Assistance (ODA). The milieu behind such prosperous development of ODA ——niche Nepal’s volatile geopolitical structure, semi-feudal or semi capitalist nature and also huge exchange rate of Nepalese with US dollar.  From the long way, most of the ruling elites of Kathmandu had itself lobbied aggressively for western access to Nepal, making Nepal dependent on foreign aid. Indeed, a senior official from the Government of Nepal (GoN) says, ODA has penetrated so deadly that, today GoN even cannot even afford stationary materials for the government offices, let us forget about any development project that it solely handles. From the top to bottom, foreign aid has subjugated the entire functionality of the government system. The common difference between FDI and ODA is —–ODA inbuilt the parasite natured economies whereas FDI inbuilt independent economies via GDP growth.
Theoretically, questions might arise on what is required for the FDI inflows. There are three aspects in it: economic conditions (markets, resource and competitiveness), Host country policies (macro, private and Trade & Industry policies) and Multi-National companies’ strategy (risk perception, integration transfer and local sourcing).  According to the World Bank flagship report, ‘Doing Business 2016’, Singapore tops the ‘’Ease of Doing Business’ index among 189 nations surveyed. Nepal ranks on the 99th position in the index and Eretria is at the bottom (189).  This data is a complete set of methodology, which underscore those three aspects. The economy needs both regulatory and efficiency mechanism and these are the backbone of any economy to survive flourish and develop from simple to complex form. Likewise, in the Western world, Denmark stands excellent in regulations and efficient system, followed by the null Red-Tapism and SMART technology.  For example, to buy/sell or transfer property, if it involves tedious procedures consuming many days and cost, then there arises issues of efficiency of government offices. This will give rise to corruption which will definitely counter the regulatory framework of the country. Nepal shares similar phenomena. Until now, Nepal’s central leadership authority, high tariff rate on exporting with fewer exporting zones and special economic zones, political instability, fewer presence of foreign banks & insurance in Nepal, international banking cards and so on has made Nepal inefficient in accessing foreign investment.  The bilateral and multilateral deals with China and India always lack political consensus and childish diplomatic exercise from Nepalese side. Nepal shares a significant amount of trade with India and because of its landlocked nature, easy access to seaports for Nepal has always been difficult. This is probably due to the zero coordination with the Nepalese and Indian government staffs mechanism.  In this case, the UN Convention on Transit Trade of Landlocked States clearly explains the provision to have adequate transit facilities for a landlocked country in promoting International Trade. But, this has been practiced very rarely in the case for Nepal. The delivery of goods to and from Nepal via Indian ports, is time consuming and goes through many customs procedures, affecting on the development of foreign manufacturing industries’ establishment in Nepal.
Nepal’s entry to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2004 is an opening gate to the globalized economic world. However, in such competitive market game of WTO, Nepal has been lagging behind it. Despite the fact that international business environment runs on the competitive, corporate friendly politics, the World Bank report and Western influence; trespassing all of these factors for Nepal is very difficult. This is probably due to Nepal’s poor engagement in regional groupings. Although, Nepal is already the member of the South Asian Preferential Trading Agreement (SAPTA), the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) and even Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), there is still a long road to go for Nepal.
Nepal entered into the age of liberalization during 1990’s but GoN adopted mixed economic policies (free market as well as state controlled). GoN is struggling to keep perfect balance of the market oriented economy and the state owned economy. International business has a habit of grown under the fledging free market policy. And, free market here in Nepal is somehow a controversial issue. The basic rule to start a business and start investing in other countries in this capitalist age is free market.  So, let us start sealing our loopholes on FDI inflows’ complications to Nepal via reviewing on this basic theoretical nature of market, so then only Nepal’s semi-feudal economic system will go under evolution.
Graphics: The Kathmandu Post

Note: This article was previously published in
By Saurav Raj Pant
The writer is a founder of Garjan-Nepal. He regularly contributes to NGO Forum on ADB Bankwatch Magazine and is an international relations enthusiast.

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Save me ! - The Suppressed Voice (Fictional Article)

-Samaya Lama

‘Hey! Look over there I think this is fine.’ A man was pointing towards me and talking to his friend. His friend smiled and came near by me and started tickling my stomach. As I was watching them in despair what those guys were trying to do. They put a cross mark on me and was looking greedily towards my whole clan and was talking loud and saying these all are ok we are going to make a lot of money from these old logs. I was pretty confused what they were going to do with us. As they all completed putting mark on our body their back up arrived carrying Axe’s, Chainsaw and a big vehicle.

As I was nervous and started panicking, they came by and started slashing my body with axe. I was warning all my family members to run away but we forgot that we are trees and we can’t run away like other living beings. I was hurting inside and was begging them for mercy but those creatures were so busy slashing by body they didn’t heard a sound that I made. As my neighbor who made their house in my body started chirping in agony and was too begging for mercy. She recently hatched her young ones and they couldn’t even fly. As I saw them slashing me, my family I could do nothing.

I started thinking about what we deed for them. We gave them fresh air, food, shelter and saved them from our rival enemy like landslides and floods. But as they used to say human beings never get satisfaction no matter how much they have. Carrying tears in their eyes my entire neighbor's started running away in panic. I was watching my whole clan getting slashed by Axe and chainsaw’s. My little boy who was just 8 years old got banged down. I was desperately watching him die in pain. Slowly my mom, dad, family and my whole clan got knocked down. All I could do now was watch myself being dropped down. As they were hitting me they were saying this one is hard to cut down. I didn’t lose my hope of living but finally they called their whole force and sliced me down into pieces.

From above, we all were watching them having a party for destroying us and were happy so that they can earn a lot of money so that they could be together with their family. I don’t know how they can be so happy and stay in peace by destroying me and my family. These puny creatures do well know that what the consequences of destroying me are. As I won’t be there anymore global warming will increase making this whole planet hot like lava. As we won’t be there for them, landslide and flood is going to run wild like a barbarian making them homeless and turning their houses into dust. Antarctica will cry for us and will increase the sea level drowning all lands in pain and anger. If we don’t exist human will be punished by our mother nature. She won’t stay quiet for long I know she will take some major steps to punish these ruthless and heartless creature who just only thinks for them. 

Humans they know well that they can’t live without us. How can they secure the future of their child as they are going to face heavy drought, global warming, and Air pollution? We never complained them for polluting air and water. They never understand that we used to clean air for them so that they could breathe fresh air and drink pure water. They only not destroyed us but they destroyed whole natural eco-system making millions of living beings homeless and left to die on their own without food and shelter. As our soul was crying watching the brutal activities done by humans we pray for them with Mother Nature to enlighten them with the knowledge about us and our importance. All we wish from them is to take care of us and in return we will take care of them. We know only few can hear our desperate and painful voice I hope someday they will understand what does it means to lose their family, home and friends.  

Bird’s eye view of Kathmandu

-Samaya Lama

As I was making my way to Kathmandu from Pokhara, I got stuck in check post of Nagdhunga from where I could see whole Kathmandu from the bird’s eye view. I could see our capital city from the height. What I saw it was not the same Kathmandu that I used to hear about. All I could see was the jungle of concrete. As, I entered inside the valley I couldn’t smell any fresh air. All I could smell was the smokes produced by the vehicles and factories. What I expected was slowly fading away and was only in my imagination. I lost my smile and started to think seriously about the pollution that was everywhere in Kathmandu.

I could barely see any trees on the side of the roads. Only few people have planted trees in their home. As it holds the title of capital city all I could see was dust and dirt everywhere. Waste management was not good nor managed properly. People from all over 75 districts lives here and population has grown. As population grows, it is obvious that pollution will grow.

If we talk about the policy of GON, it has planned to make Nepal developing country from least developed countries within 2025. It says that, Nepal government will take action to focus more about renewable energy. Countries like Nepal are very suitable and appropriate for renewable energy development. Nepal’s policy says that it will be giving more focus on renewable energy. We won’t have to face any energy crisis if such policies are implemented.

We can stop using non-renewable energies like coal, petrol and diesels which produce CO2, Nitrogen and GHGs. Pollution can be controlled and also we can preserve our nature and it will help us back with fresh air and greenery. We have to be capable of mitigating and adapting the consequences of climate change. Nepal has got more chances on hydropower. Nepal has capacity of producing electricity up to 64000 MW but till now we have been capable of producing only 750 MW. As the demand of electricity is 14000 MW. If we give our prior focus on renewable and alternative energy it will not only be helpful for us but it will also be nature friendly.

As Nepal holds the great capacity of generating alternative and renewable energy we still depend on India for electricity. Being a capital city it should be the idol for all Nepal on in terms of clean and green environment. Tourism is also one of the major factors that support the livelihood of people. Tourists first land in Kathmandu and make their way forward to other destination. What will be the impact on their mind if they see such a fuss and dirty environment? All we want is to take them good and sweet memories back their home not the dirty and untidy image of Kathmandu.

Nepal is not active in producing GHGs like other developed countries. Nepal produces only 0.14 metric tons of GHG which is negligible. We have more chances of making Nepal into Green zone or Green country. If we give priority to mitigation and adaptation program we can control the pollution. So, it has not been late to take some action to make our country pollution free and nature friendly.

Monday, December 14, 2015

My dream Nepal

-Saurav Raj Pant

The day will come when my Karnaili kids will be equal competitor to Kathmanduites kids. The trans-Nepal highway will cross India and China along Central Asia through Silk Road.

The day will come when my Ivy League graduates will come to Nepal and will start a new Silicon Valley in Nepal.

The country with glorious history of Gurkhas- a great fighter in war and land which was never colonized by any global super powers will be thriving in next 30 years- when our Middle East and US-Europe grown kids will start expanding our diaspora in the field of arts, politics, International Affairs, business and so. Anyway, we are also part of post- 1991 generation.

The day will come when my country will stand as a significant nation to India and China, the two fastest growing economies in the world, where Nepal’s geo-strategic position will be ‘celebrated’ rather to be ‘manipulated’.

The day will come, when my medicinal natural herbs will be exported to Europe and the US, helping to multiply my Gross Domestic Product and in the long run contributing my Gross National Income.

The day will come, when my women will lead my society parallel to my men. My kids will never be malnourished, never will deprive from education and there will be no foot prints of any civil war.

The day will come, when my country will have advanced manufacturing as well as service industries for vigorous economic growth.

The day will come, when my country will offer best education in the country and challenged to contemporary education system where my kids will not be monotonous that, Nepal is a poor and unproductive country. The day will come when my kids will start defending, that we are also one of the pivotal parts of this planet.

The day will come, when Hydro and tourism industries will be booming and Nepal will be considered as always, one of the paradise of this planet.

Several years of political struggle and instability will definitely come to an end, and my leaders will be fully accountable to my citizen.

Since, I am living in a very young aged country and I am hopeful that we will be able to connect these bubbles of dots- Hydro, Outstanding Political leadership, Tourism, Industrialization, Free market economy, Education, Social security, Gender friendly, Casteless society, inclusiveness, and harmony will create a good future pie.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

An informative article about TTIP and its risk

- Saurav Raj Pant
Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP)-primarily a free trade agreement between Europe and the USA is creating a buzz around Europe and the US sphere after the proposed draft was released in March, 2014. This secretive draft brought a strong objection inside EU for not going in to public consultation on each and every clause that affects the lives of millions of Europeans.

Corporate power over democracy

Seven chapters proposed treaty contains, liberalization of investment, free business workers movement, allow corporate house to take legal actions against government for contravene of its rights etc. This is called ISDS laws (Investor State Dispute Settlements) which is proficient enough to challenge the government policies. Such law allows foreign investor to violate national courts and sue a state before an international arbitration court decision. Such rights for investor are so intense that they can ultimately put down all democratic decision of the country. There are some of the ISDS clauses in bilateral investment in the world which have sued the state.

Primarily, the provision of ISDS was imposed in the developing world for the sake of protecting investors to do their business because the legal systems in those countries were pretty weak.
-Philip Morris Inc. is now legally suing billions of Dollars to Australian Government over restriction of branding, advertisement, colors etc. on Cigarette packets under Australia- Hong Kong Bilateral trade agreements. According to the bill passed by the Australian Law, Cigarette front packets should include 75% photo of harmful effects of smoking and 90% on its back side.

Biggest Economic domination/ Economic Power expansion

The US being the world biggest economic power patching up with European Union making the single free economic market; brings a lot of economic imbalances in Global South Economy. Global South economy is suffering from unsatisfactory economic booming, if ever created such Mega economic bloc (The US and European Union), Global South Economy will partially or fully vanish from global economic system. TTIP will eradicate the current tariff rate between the US and EU making the bloc independent, less expensive and flexible to import the goods from TTIP partner countries rather to import from Global South countries. In this way, Global south will lose foreign incomes and investment making the TTIP partner countries- a great 'hub' for doing and expanding their business. This has severe effects on the significance of WTO (World Trade Organization) which allows sudden subsidies on tariffs for the Global South products, making TTIP influential in every global trade negotiations. The WTO Global South partner countries will be forced to follow the rules direct by the Global North countries as they don't have an international political and economic influence.

Environment and Climate under devastation- Economic significance is leading

TTIP main aim is to create limitless economic growth between the USA and EU by maximum utilization of the available natural resources.  This over utilization of nature making Economic bigger will be brutal threats to the future of the Earth encouraging the multinational giants to infringe the Government rules and regulation, making the common people to stand against it.  TTIP sincerely persuade Fracking in Europe which is already legal in the US; is proving powerful instruments in international diplomacy to challenge power blocs. This Fracking causes chemicals in making groundwater polluted for future generations. Another greatest environmental danger is GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms) -changing genetic stuff by using genetic altering techniques. This GMO produce toxicity; have minimum nutritional values and food allergy.

National Health Care System is under TTIP threats

TTIP bill is to allow the US style profitable health care system to introduce in EU making big health corporations to boom their business in an ever created single market. This will enact almost impossible Health Care System for general public in an affordable cost. Health care system should not be prioritized as it should be provided to general public in a reasonable cost. Not only this, other basic necessities such as education, water etc. also is in the danger of privatization whim of TTIP.

Accountability/ Secrecy/ No Civil Society Organization' participation in drafting the bill

Why TTIP is so secretive allowing only high ranked European Commission and American representative to have access to the TTIP documents? Are those few people only legitimate persons to decide the future of millions of European peoples? Following the democratic norms and values, such behavior of secretly launching the bills is strongly intolerable for Europeans putting up the influence of foreign investor and business in Europe.

Organization such as Federation of Young European Greens, War on Want, and Greenpeace are strongly campaigning against TTIP secretive drafts making general public aware on, how their European representative in the parliament are becoming pro-business dude working directly on anti-peoples sentiment.

Source: FYEG TTIP documents